Wednesday, April 22, 2015


1. For works by Han Lankui, Zhang Shuai and He Zhanhao/Lin Jiliang, copy and paste the following Chinese words into the search box in the video website Click on the first search result.

Han Lankui, Qilian Rhapsody (1995): 韩兰魁《祁连狂想》
Zhang Shuai, Three Preludes for piano Op. 18 (1998): 张帅《三首前奏曲》
He Zhanhao, Remaining Regrets Upon Death at Lin'an (1992): 何占豪《临安遗恨》

2. For works by Joyce Koh and John Sharpley, visit

John Sharpley, Emptiness (2002), movement 5
John Sharpley, Emptiness (2002), movement 11
Joyce Koh, TAI (1998/2002)

Call for manuscripts: Teaching Global Music History: A Resource Book (edited volume)

Chapter proposals based on a syllabus, lesson plan, or essay are sought for consideration for inclusion in a volume on global music history ...