Monday, September 30, 2024

Call for manuscripts: Teaching Global Music History: A Resource Book (edited volume)

Revised 28-12-24

Chapter proposals based on a syllabus, lesson plan, or essay are sought for consideration for inclusion in a volume on global music history pedagogy, the book proposal of which is currently under preparation for an interested Routledge editor. Published material will be considered but may have to be revised for the book. Chapter proposals on global, diasporic (African American etc.), and Indigenous music history--encompassing popular, symphonic/art, or avant-garde/modernist music--are welcomed. The target reader is instructors teaching courses in music higher education. Note that each term in "global music history pedagogy" is vital and the proposal should address the global (however defined), historical, and pedagogical dimensions.

This would be a teaching resource book that is distinct from more academic considerations of global music history. The volume would be parallel to many of the current teaching resources available for global history beyond music studies. See below for an example: 

Chapters fall within three sections in the book: 

  1. course design, with syllabus (recommended 2000-9000 words including syllabus and introduction)
  2. essay on pedagogy or teaching area (for the latter, the suggested approach is to use a collection of case studies to elucidate a key concept, issue, topic, or geography/era) (no syllabus or lesson plan required) (recommended 5000-9000 words)
  3. pedagogical method, with lesson plan (recommended 2000-9000 words including lesson plan and introduction)

Chapters from a variety of pedagogical traditions will be considered, including 1) global music history, 2) historical ethnomusicology, and 3) historical musicologies conducted in different languages in different parts of the world. 

I would greatly appreciate it if you could recommend this project to those based outside of Euro North America who may be interested in this project. Note that chapters should be written in the English language.

Submission. Pls send the following materials to by Dec 31, 2024:

  1. A chapter proposal of 100-150 words, along with an attached document related to your chapter, which may be a syllabus, a lesson plan, a document distributed to students, or a student assignment, powerpoint slides, or any other teaching material you have used before etc. Indicate which section of the book your chapter falls under: 1) course design, with syllabus, 2) essay on pedagogy or teaching area (no syllabus or lesson plan required), or 3) pedagogical method, with lesson plan.
  2. Brief biography including experience teaching global music history.

Incomplete materials may affect consideration of the proposals.

The completed book proposal is anticipated to undergo peer review at Routledge.

Submission date of the full chapter is anticipated to be December 2026.

About the editor: Gavin SK Lee is incoming Senior Lecturer at University of Sydney and previously taught at Soochow University, China for 9 years. He researches and teaches global, Sinophone, and LGBTQ+ music history.


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